The word ‘dentist’ will likely make most people shudder. But, there are some who are simply looking forward to get into the world of dentistry. Like medicine, to be a dentist is not an easy cakewalk. The field of dentistry requires one to take a plunge into sound education that will be quite challenging as well as exhaustive. But, it is all worth the efforts eventually, for, the profession is highly rewarding, lucrative and great in demand across the globe. So, it is no wonder that entering a dental college is extremely a tough school applicant
In spite of undergoing rigorous undergraduate course, passing Dental Admission Test, attaining highest recommendations, building robust experiences, and putting together all the relevant things, an applicant of dentistry must go through the process of writing a dentistry personal statement, that has to be submitted along with their application and will help the admission committee to know them better on personal level. No matter how perfect your grades or test marks are, without this crucial and official document an admission in your dream dental college will remain in the distant. Because, it is very important to share your educational qualifications, career objectives and goals, since the selection team will be able to relate you with the choice of career through this letter.
Through this article, we will share few tips with you on how to write personal statement for dentistry? While there is no perfect formula to make your essay stand out as such; there are certain guidelines one needs to follow to while writing one.
How to start?
Before you write, you have to ensure that whatever you are going to put down in the dentistry personal statement is connected to you on intimate terms. Most of the applicants make the mistake of using generic and vague phrases like “spreading smiles”, “encouraging good dental habits” and so on. Keep in mind, that all these wouldn’t help you to earn an admission. Instead you will simply go unnoticed within the dental school applicant list. Stay clear out of generalizations while writing personal statement.
Be Honest
The main purpose of writing a personal statement is for the admission committee to know you much in-detail and they will be reviewing your essay in relevance to your remaining application. What we advise is, that it is best to be honest. Avoid exaggerating your credentials or further still, don’t write lies. There is no way that you can escape and likely to get caught ultimately; which means your application will be rejected right away. Just remember these three DON’Ts –
No Repetition Here!
As mentioned earlier, an applicant’s personal statement will be assessed as part of their entire application. Therefore, it is better to avoid repeating details. If you have already covered some information in one of the parts of your application, save your time than putting it down again in your dentistry personal statement. The selection committee will find it impressive, if your statement has a distinct narrative, incorporating personal experiences which are not mentioned in the resume.
Another mistake that a dental school applicant does is that, to mention irrelevant details that actually do not match the resume or their thesis. Such statement can be distracting and the reader will get the feel that the information provided is just for embellishment. One has to keep their dentistry personal statement crisp and to-the-point, mainly for the reason that it has limited word count. The content flow and order retains a seamless timeline that gives clarity. There should be a clear purpose in every paragraph and at the same time, should not push oneself too far in doing so.
Here are some important and effective points to remember.
Make sure your personal statement:
Seek Expert’s Advice
While you may have referred numerous dentistry personal statement samples, it is good to maintain your own style while writing one. However, make sure that you do not sound arrogant.
A major point that one has to consider is that the final draft of personal statement should be properly read, re-read, checked and re-checked towards the end, before submitting it. It is very much advisable to ask another person to proofread and edit your dentistry personal statement.
As a professional content writing service, we are ever ready to help you with any kind of queries in regard to writing dentistry personal statement. From editing to content analysis, our highly experienced and talented team will be more than willing to assist you with specialised guidance to ensure that your writing is the strongest and most impressive.
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